Sunday, February 11, 2024

EOTO Reaction


    There were many new things I learned about communication technologies during the presentations, many of which were things I possibly knew at one point or forgot or I had never learned before. Many of the new pieces of information are ones I could bring into my work since they paint in important history of the field I so desperately want to work in. Some are even topics I want to learn more about and conduct my own research. One of the topics that most fascinated me was about how Bluetooth was created and how it makes our lives incredibly different. 


    The first thing that shocked me about Bluetooth was the name and logo. It wouldn't make logical sense that a wireless connection system would be named after an ancient Viking and the logo would be Norse letters put together. I find it really interesting that Bluetooth is something relatively new in the technological space, but had created a relationship with technology unlike any other through its ability to make almost any device wireless. It has most changed our relationship with both hones and headphones since they are the devices most commonly used by the everyday person that has Bluetooth built in. 

    Another piece of information that caught my attention during the presentation was how quickly the technology behind Bluetooth has evolved so quickly, making it reach further, respond faster, all with the ability to be put into almost any piece of technology capable of power it, which has also become easier with time. The idea of a certain technology getting more advanced while also being made to use less power than ever and still work flawlessly is something not to be taken for granted. Our phones having Bluetooth capability has made our lives almost infinitely easier in many ways, like how we can connect to other phones and share data faster than ever, and connect wirelessly to both speaker and headphones. This lead to changes in other technology, phones no longer having an aux port for example. 

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