Sunday, February 11, 2024



  The current state of current events reporting in the media can be boiled down to the control the media outlets have over what people see which always depends on money. Lots of companies only put information on their sites that both align with their political views and are likely to get clicks. This leads to the majority of news articles on major sites to have similar tones and views, depending on the political affiliation of the news outlet. This means that people who have views differing from the ideals held by major sources are forced to either not read their opinions or find creative ways to express their views on the internet. This leads to unknown websites to be the only outlet for people who want to express their opinions despite the unpopularity. 


    One of the opinions people have that isn't expressed in major outlets is the call for ceasefires and overall anti war opinions. Logical thinking may suggest that people would see articles on news sites covering all views and arguments since that would allow for people to read all sides and come to their own conclusions. This method, however, would cause news sites to potentially lose funding/money from sponsors/ads if they wouldn't want to advertise on pages with opposing arguments. In our capitalist society, money has become the driving force and motivator for every action taken by corporations. This results in people having to rely on hidden sites to share opinions they know won't be shared or even allowed online in major sites. 

    It's no coincidence lots of opinions not shared on media sites it anti war opinions since they are ones directly opposing the United States government. The united States has a long history of propagating war and profiting from it. There is a long history in the country to silence people who verbally oppose these directives. 

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