Sunday, January 21, 2024

My 5 sources


NBC News

I prefer to use NBC News because while they are a more left-leaning news organization, they are more centered than most news outlets while still being trustworthy. I have been using them more recently due for their reports on the genocide in Gaza and I believe their coverage to be more neutral. I typically come here to learn more about a topic I heard about elsewhere since I do not typically check news sites in my own time. I also used to watched the NBC News with Lester Holt when I still lived at home and my father would normally use NBC as well which is where I developed the habit. However, prefer to use other outlets when looking at news regarding democratic issues since they are prone to using rose-tinted glasses when covering stories about the left. 


My relationship with receiving news from TikTok is different from other places because I have earned that majority of news I see can be altered or completely false entirely, which is why I only use it as a news source to find out about stories and then research them on other sites. TikTok curates the videos you see to fit your views and this makes it difficult to receive truly unbiased news on the app. This is how I developed my habits of only using it as a way to find potentially true pieces of news and then look in other places to confirm or deny the validity of said news. This is especially useful during events currently happening since people are incredibly prone to posting about events quickly. This is a method I highly suggest to others.

Washington Post

The Washington Post is extremely similar to NBC News with political affiliation, leaning slightly left. this is why I prefer to use for articles regarding topics unrelated to politics and more towards the tech news section. Of the news sources listed, the Washington Post has the best articles about the tech industry in my opinion. This is due to their more extensive reach compared to other places like NBC News for example. I also think they have a better home page for finding important news article compared to the other sources. They also cover sports in better detail than NBC and Fox News, but not as much as the Associated Press. 

Fox News

I like to use Fox News alongside the other sources because I was raised to value the opinions of both sides of the political spectrum. Since I tend to lean left, I want to find sources that lean right so I can try to use the opposing viewpoints. I suggest other people do the some so they are also able to critique people of their own party as well. Since they tend to be more harsh towards democrats, like Joe Biden for example, People also tend to confuse their on air news show and the actual site itself, which in my opinion, cover news in two very different ways. There is significantly less emotion involved in the text article than on the live broadcast. I don't recommend Fox News for election and presidential-adjacent topics due to their conflicted and ongoing history with the topic. 

Associated Press

I believe the Associated Press is a great source because of the fact check section on the site. It's the only source I have seen with a dedicated section on fact checking and debunking article that are false. This is great due to the rise in fake news being spread around social media. There have numerous times this section has helped me separate real event from fabricated ones. Alongside this fact check section, AP also includes more options for article topics compared to the other sources on the list. I think this is one of the best options for news sources. 

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