Sunday, January 28, 2024

Speech Theories

Stable Change

    Of the 8 speech theories, one of the most important ones in my opinion is stable change of government. The transition of power is one of the most vulnerable moments our government has to go through on a regular basis. With the longest a president can stay in power is 8 years, the constant change is prone to having people disagree with the current person in power. Since anyone is allowed to speak their mind, including the criticism of the government, there will always be people wanting to express their opposing opinions. Knowing this, it is incredibly smart for the government to want people to get these frustrations out in a way that keeps people safe, especially the President. The Secretary of State has a strategy to allow people who feel their citizenship in the country is unsafe can reasonably express their feelings. The idea behind the strategy is people will vent their feelings either verbally or through the internet and it will keep them from doing anything potentially more harmful to others physically. 

Promoting Innovation

    Alongside stable change, another important speech theory in the United States in promoting innovation. A society that wants its citizens to be innovative and creative is one that thrives economically. The United States doesn’t produce many of its own products, leaving that job to other countries, while still being the one responsible for the ideas. There is a written policy in governmental records, about how the United States is a hub of innovation and creation of new technologies for the entire world. This promotion of innovation stems mostly from a desire to continuously boost the United States economy, mainly boasting property rights and increasing competition. The Strategy for American Innovation explains the goals and motivations of wanting creativity to thrive throughout the country. 

Individual Self-fulfillment

    The last of the most important speech theories is individual self-fulfillment. Freedom of expression is a term commonly used to describe the culture in America and how everyone is entitled to represent themselves however they choose. Allowing for self fulfillment supports the ideas stated in the first amendment and the values students are taught in schools when learning about the rights given to American citizens. The United States being considered a melting pot of different cultures and identities supports self-fulfillment and allows for people of all different backgrounds and interests to find the people they mesh with. The government allowing for everyone to feel like a true individual and not part of a collective in which they can’t stand out means a great deal to many people. This can apply greater to people who aren’t originally from the United States or their families recently immigrated. Everyone deserves to find the people and communities that make them feel safe and at home, and without the ideas of individual self-fulfillment that wouldn’t feel possible. 

    Even though these three speech theories mean more to me than the others, it doesn’t mean the rest of them don’t have their own importance. The others matter on smaller scales in my opinion they all fall into the larger shadow cast by the three major ones. 

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